If you are looking to earn a little extra cash or reward points, consider saving beer and soda cans then turning them in to your local recycling center for a refund.
Ken enjoys woodworking and made the Can-Do Can Crusher from plans he found online at Woodworker’s Journal. The can crusher works great, but we need a catch bin for all the cans. I wanted to keep it simple, but I knew I wanted a bin with drainage since the cans never seem to be completely empty of liquid when you throw them in the collection bin. After some thought, it seemed obvious to me that a good old fashioned garbage can with a few alterations, might work the best.
You will need
– Metal shelf bracket for the lid
– Drill and drill bit
– Painter’s tape
– Rivets or screws and bolts to attached the bracket
To make the hook for the hanging lid, you can use a metal shelf bracket.
To form the hook, bend the bracket with two wrenches, one in each hand.
Drill holes in the garbage can lid to attach the hook.
Attach hook with rivets or screws and bolts.
To create drainage holes on the bottom of the garbage can, lay down some painters tape on the bottom of the can and make marks on tape where you want your holes. Do not make them too close together. You only need about 10 holes for drainage. Drill holes through tape, and then remove tape. We also drilled several holes around the lower bottom side of the garbage can to help with air flow.
When the garbage can is full, empty it into a plastic garbage bag.
To keep area clean, use vinegar and hot water to rinse the drainage away from the area around and under the can once a week.
Here are a few links that will give you some more information on recycling aluminum cans for cash or rewards:
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