Our favorite makeover girl/ horse, Charity has galloped to the finish line and picked a winner for the Mary Kay pedicure set giveaway. Say what?? Oops, I’m getting confused, what with the Kentucky Derby going on this weekend, so let me rephrase.
We have a winner for the pedicure set giveaway and her name is Jessica D. Yay!!!
Thank you so much to everyone for joining in on the giveaway. I only wish I had one of the scentabulous MK sets for everybody. Boo!
Now, about the horses. Remember our makeover mascot, Charity?
As I mentioned, she’s over 35 now and not as limber as she used to be, but once upon a time, this girl could run with the best of them. I even have several videos to prove it.
About 5 years ago, my niece made several equestrian YouTube videos which include Charity racing away down the prairie.
Let me set them up for you and then you can check out either one if you like.
There are 3 horses:
Rhett is the white one.
Texas has the large spot (or blaze) on his face.
Charity has the smaller white spot (or star) on her forehead.
There are two videos to choose from for your viewing pleasure.
Video 1 is more mellow and stars Charity and Texas only. You can see a short snippet of Charity running full speed (near the end).
Video 2 is flashy and loud; it stars all 3 horses, but you will see Charity run full speed several times (especially near the end of this one).
This is Video 1
Video 1 is more mellow and stars Charity and Texas only. You can see a short snippet of Charity running full speed (near the end).
This is Video 2
Video 2 is flashy and loud; it stars all 3 horses, but you will see Charity run full speed several times (especially near the end of this one).
By the way, I did a little research and found out here, that the average life span for a horse is between 25-33 years of age. Charity has exceeded her life span already.
Both of the videos are artsy and fun and very well done for a teenage girl.
I think she entered these in a contest, and did quite well at that.
I’m not sure if I’m more impressed with Charity for running like that at the age of 30 or with my niece for making videos like these as a teenager.
If you watch one of the videos, or both, tell me what you think.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a great weekend ~ Amy
I want to send a special thank you to Kathi, my Mary Kay lady. I’m so glad you persuaded me to take a little time off to pamper. XOXO
Note: The giveaway winner was chosen using a random generator:
True Random Number Generator 2 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Doreen@househoneys says
Wow Amy! Charity, actually all three horses, are amazing animals! You didn’t mention who was riding Charity, but whoever it was is a great equestrian.
Many years ago when my daughter was 12 she attended a horse camp and we visited her during her stay. There was a point where they released the horses into the field and for some reason that image has stayed with me as one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. It was truly magical to see dozens of beautiful horses running in unison, manes blowing in the wind at sunset.
Mel says
My stupid iPad won’t load up the videos, ill have to wait till I’m next on the computer.