Spray paint can do wonders for boring furniture pieces. Get inspired by this collection of budget-friendly spray-painted furniture ideas.
Hey friends. There’s no better time than now to think about updating a piece of furniture you already have rather than buying new. First off, you will save some money. Secondly, you will undoubtedly have results much faster than if you have to go out and make a purchase. Reason number three. You will have created a unique piece that you can be proud of while you’re saving all that cash.
Bottom line, spray paint is easy to use, gives you results fast, and it’s pretty cost-effective.
In the past I’ve spray painted quite a few pieces of furniture. One of my favorites is these spray-painted resin wicker chairs. Paint and paintbrush would not have worked well for these chairs because of all the wicker weave.
But a furniture piece doesn’t have to be difficult to paint in order to use spray paint.
As you will see in this round-up of spray-painted furniture ideas, you can use the spray-paint method for almost any furniture type. Including laminate.
So, let’s do this. We’ve got sleek, sassy, and fabulously functional furniture makeovers to inspire you to paint your own piece.
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