DIY wood cat cubby
Overall size of wood cat cubby
Ugly gas pipes in basement
The original plan for the cubby was to give our cat a rustic little hide-away, while covering up the gas pipes in our basement. We had a bunch of plywood scrap left over from the townhouse basement update, so we decided to use it up to make the something for the cat.
Front hole for cat entry. Back slit to fit over the gas piping.
First, a crate was constructed with the salvaged plywood and 2×2’s.
Then, a cubby hole was cut out of the crate for our cat to enter. The last opening was a slot was cut in the back side to cover the less than pretty water pipes thingy.
Cat crate in place in our townhouse basement. Covering up the ugly pipes.
The cubby fit over the pipes. It was also sturdy enough to hold a cat tree.
Updated Version of cat cubby with larger arch opening
We have since cut a larger opening in the back, for a two-way pass through for our cats.
Here is a close up of the arch opening. You can really see how grungy the back side of the wood is.
Made with love for our beloved Kitty. May we meet again, one day sweet boy. Thanks for sharing the cubby with the younger guys.
Thanks for stopping by. ~ Amy
If you have any questions on this project send us an email. We’d be glad give more details.
Related: How to write a goodbye letter to your pet
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sharleen says
love the cat post Amy. <3
laurie says
Great job on the Cubby Crate…he’ll warm up to it and love it! Kitty is a beautiful cat…does he have two different colored eyes?
Bliss says
My newly cat owning daughter and I were just talking about something for her pet that involves a crate style. Now I know what graphic to put on it, purrrrrfect.
Feral Turtle says
I love this and I don’t even have a cat. After Teddy passed, we never got another, but he would have loved this! Amazing way to hide the pipes. I love your ingenuity!
Sherry says
Cats… ours is so spoiled. She would love something like this! Great job Amy and Ken!
Danni@SiloHillFarm says
Oh I wish Sam wasn’t allergic to cats! What a fabulous project and a great offer on the DIY ebooks too!
Debrashoppeno5 says
This is so neat. I wonder if my cats would like it? You know how cats can be!
the cape on the corner says
what a great project, and so sad about your sweet kitty. breaks my heart. my hubby is supposed to make a new cat tree for ours, i hope it happens soon!
Amy says
Oh, a new cat tree, what lucky little kitties!! Hope he gets to it soon (I know the honey-do-list patience game, myself). Thanks so much for your sweet thoughts on our Kitty. Have a great weekend ~ Amy